My basic setup of CyanogenMod-6.0 on HTC Desire
Since I bought my HTC Desire I want to put on it CyanogenMod. This ROM is quite popular, but only version 6.0 released last week supports HTC Desire.
I’m going to put there few notes how I did “post installation” changes like removing some programs, ssh key config, OpenVPN setup and few more.
I don’t want to describe here how to install this ROM to the HTC Desire, because there is nice how-to on their pages:
Just one remark – If you suffer with signal lost please look at this page:
Put ssh keys to the phone and start dropbear (SSH server):
(taken from
Copy your ssh public key from your linux box to the phone:
Prepare dropbear on the phone:
mkdir -p /data/dropbear/.ssh/
dropbearkey -t rsa -f /data/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
dropbearkey -t dss -f /data/dropbear/dropbear_dss_host_key
cp /sdcard/authorized_keys /data/dropbear/.ssh/
chmod 755 /data/dropbear /data/dropbear/.ssh
chmod 644 /data/dropbear/dropbear*host_key /data/dropbear/.ssh/authorized_keys
echo "export PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin:/system/xbin/bb:/data/local/bin" >>/data/dropbear/.profile
Remove some useless applications:
(check this page to see what can be removed)
Reboot to “ClockworkMod recovery” using these steps:
Mount /system partition:
mount -o nodev,noatime,nodiratime -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
mount /data
Backup directories under /data:
cd /data
mkdir -p $BACKUP_DESTINATION/data/ && \
cp -R `ls /data | egrep -v "dalvik-cache|lost\+found"` $BACKUP_DESTINATION/data/
Move applications to sdcard:
echo "*** $APK"
mv /system/app/$APK $BACKUP_DESTINATION/$APK/ && \
mv /data/data/`awk -F \" '/'$APK'/ { print $2 }' /data/system/packages.xml` $BACKUP_DESTINATION/$APK/
#/system/bin/pm uninstall `awk -F \" '/'package.apk'/ { print $2 }' /data/system/packages.xml`
Remove unused audio files:
for AUDIO in `find /system/media/audio -type f|egrep -v "ui|pixiedust.ogg"`; do
echo "*** Removing $AUDIO"
Unmount all used filesystems:
umount /data /sdcard /system
It’s all for now… I’m sure I will do more sooner or later, but it’s just a few notes for now.