March 17th, 2009 | Tags: , , , , , ,

I’m using my old Palm TX to navigate during my travels. I don’t have GPS, but I usually get some maps from the web, store them as jpg and view on Palm as a picture.

I had problems to get big maps from Google to jpg, because all screen snapshot programs can only get actual “screen” (usually just 1440×900).

My palm and other devices can handle much bigger images and it’s possible to scroll them. My laptop screen resolution was quite limiting… :-(

I found solution in KDE:

  1. Install Firefox add-on called Abduction!. It will allow you to save pages or part of the page as image (File -> Save Page As Image…)
  2. Run Firefox and chose your place in the map.
  3. Press ALT + F3 -> Advanced -> Special Windows Settings…
  4. Advanced Windows Settings - KDE

    Advanced Windows Settings - KDE

  5. Select Geometry tab and modify “Size” parameters:
  6. Edit Window Specific Settings Kwin

    Edit Window Specific Settings Kwin

Then your Firefox should be much bigger (above screen borders) and you should be able to save “one big” page as image…

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March 5th, 2009 | Tags: , , , , , ,

I found nice page accessing HD trailers from Yahoo or Apple through downloadable mov files. It’s quite useful to have mov files instead of using flash player especially if you have slower Internet connection.

Here is short wget command which download mov files from Apple site into directories:


#480, 720, 1080

wget --recursive --level=2  --accept *${RESOLUTION} \
--span-hosts, \
--no-host-directories --cut-dirs=2 --exclude-directories=/blog \

Enjoy ;-)

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February 20th, 2009 | Tags: , , , ,

I installed BOINC to my server to help world with scientific problems. It’s really easy to install it through from repositories of various distributions, but it’s not so easy to configure it.

Usually you can use BOINC manager to configure BOINC. Unfortunately it is graphical application and it uses port 31416 to connect to local/remote BOINC installations.

For obvious reasons you don’t wan to install GUI applications on servers and you also don’t want to enable ports on firewall.

That’s time for boinc_cmd and here are few tips how to use it.

  • Set http proxy
  • boinc_cmd --passwd my_password --set_proxy_settings 3128 "" "" "" "" "" "" ""
  • Count all the time:
  • boinc_cmd --passwd my_password --set_run_mode always
  • Don’t get more work:
  • boinc_cmd --passwd my_password --project nomorework
  • Attach to the project:
  • boinc_cmd --passwd my_password --project_attach  project_id
  • Update project preferencies:
  • boinc_cmd --passwd my_password --project update
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